929 new features in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2024

WEB COMPATIBILITY: TAILWINDCSS 800 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM TAILWINDCSS: A LIBRARY OF PRESET UTILITY CLASSES TailwindCSS is a widely used CSS utility class framework. TailwindCSS is made up of CSS classes that define numerous style options. WEBDEV 2024 is compatible with this framework. TailwindCSS classes also describe positioning rules. These rules are supported by WEBDEV controls laid out in Flexbox containers or CSS grids. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Compatibility 801 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM HOW TO USE TAILWINDCSS IN WEBDEV To use TailwindCSS in WEBDEV 2024, simply enable the corre- sponding option in the project description window. There’s nothing to install or configure. Simply enter the name or names of the TailwindCSS classes to be used in the Styles tab. WEBDEV automatically generates the CSS style sheets correspond- ing to the TailwindCSS classes used. Reminder: In WEBDEV 2024, controls can use several CSS styles simultaneously. TailwindCSS classes selected by the developer. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : More possibilities for web development 802 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM TAILWINDCSS: WYSIWYG The WEBDEV page editor shows controls exactly how they will look using TaillwindCSS classes. Control displayed using TailwindCSS classes Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : What You See Is What You Get 803 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM TAILWINDCSS TECHNIQUES TaiwindCSS includes numerous features. For example: • variants for each state • media queries to modify the aspect of controls • configuration file to define custom classes, which are then added to the standard classes All these features are supported in WEBDEV 2024. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Power 81 N e w f e a t u r e s i n W I ND E V 2 0 2 4 WE B D E V 2 0 2 4 W I ND E V Mo b i l e 2 0 2 4